Privacy Policy
Privacy Policy
In line with new regulations relating to GDPR introduced on the 25th May 2018 I have taken steps to ensure I meet the new guidelines and continue to work towards improving the privacy of my current and potential clients. Below is a current outline of the data I collect, where it is stored and how it is processed to provide you with your nutrition and or training services.
The personal data I collect from you includes:
Questions, queries or feedback you leave, including your email address if you contact Will White Fitness
Your email address and contact details to use my online training services
Depending on your chosen service from Will White Fitness, to allow me to provide an effective service for you, I ask for the following; Height, weight, age, sex, training history, average sleep, stress levels, dietary habits, dietary history, dietary preferences, your goal(s) e.g. weight loss, weight gain, weight maintenance
With your approval; transformation and progression photographs, with gym attire on for monitoring processing and for the purpose of advertising/marketing with your written approval
PAR-Q - Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire
Why I need it:
Collecting this data is necessary for me to provide you with correct nutrition and training plans to suit you and your goals
Monitoring your progress towards your weight loss, weight maintenance or weight gain goals
So that I can place the upmost importance on your health and wellbeing when embarking on a training and nutrition programme
I use your age, height, sex and weight in formulas to develop your energy requirements e.g. Calorie and Macronutrient targets
I use your lifestyle habits e.g. sleep, days/times availability to train to develop a good understanding of your daily schedule to produce a training programme to work for you.
What I do with your data
The data I collect is solely for the use to provide you with effective nutrition and training.
I will not:
Sell or rent your data to third parties
Share your data with third parties for marketing purposes
I will share your data if required to do is by law - for example, by court order, or to prevent fraud or other crime.
How long we keep your data
We will only retain your personal data for:
The duration that you use Will White Fitness services
Insurance purposes, I will hold your information for a minimum of 7 years or in line with industry standards and/or requirements.
Children’s privacy protection
Our services are not designed for, or initially targeted at, children 13 years of age or younger. We do not intentionally collect or maintain data about anyone under the age of 13.
Where your data is processed and stored:
Your data is collected via a Google forms and stored within Google drive.
Your completed forms, monitoring forms, progress photos are also stored along with your nutrition and training programmes one a secure hard rive and within separated private folders designated for you.
How I protect your data and keep it secure
I am committed to doing all that I can to keep your data secure. I am continually developing systems and processes to protect your data and implementing levels of encryption.
Your rights
You have the right to request:
Information about how your personal data is processed
A copy of that personal data I hold
That anything inaccurate in your personal data is correct immediately
You can also:
Raise an objection about how your personal data is processed
Request that your personal data is erased if there is no longer a justification for it
Ask that the processing of your personal data is restricted in certain circumstances
If you have any of these requests, get in contact with me on:
Contact us or make a complaint
Contact the Data Protection Officer (DPO) if you:
have any questions about anything in this document
think that your personal data has been misused or mishandled